EXPERIENCE What's Different
    The time has come to stop running away.
  • It’s time to fight back. This event will be featuring airsoft guns.
  • For the safety of people who have no experience in holding guns, ALL THE GUNS WILL HAVE NO LIVE AMMO throughout the whole duration of the simulation.
  • “No live ammunition? Won’t that be boring?”
  • We assure you the gun’s feel, shoot and recoil are like the real thing. They are gas-powered and operate just like their real steel counterparts. You will also be lent a variety of Assault Rifles, Sub-Machine Guns and Handguns. Add the adrenaline of fighting the incoming horde and you’ll be drawn into the realism of this simulation.
  • All the zombies are all graduates of the Outbreak Manila Zombie school and are specifically trained to react appropriately to each gunshot. Some will take them down, others will just slow them down, the rest… will just get angrier.
  • No more flag belts that represent your lives.
  • Your survivability will now depend on how close an encounter you get with a zombie after your simulation. ANY CONTACT with a zombie will already lead to your infection
  • Don’t worry though… You will have a guide through your whole experience to
    1. Help you keep the zombies at bay and 2. Fix any gun malfunctions.
  • As if giving you guns isn't enough. You can also still expect to see NPC's who will be there to give you side missions and help you progress through the simulation.
  • You’ll also find some situations where there is just too many zombies to take down. Think as a team on how to outsmart the horde and get out of life and death situations!
  • For a look at HARDCORE MODE, click here
How it Works
What to Remember
Rules for your Survival
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